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Miami Probation Violation Defense Attorney
Giving a Voice to the Accused in Fort Lauderdale
If you are facing charges of violating your probation, you need to take the matter seriously. A probation violation can land you in court facing a conviction with very stiff penalties.
Without the help of a good criminal defense lawyer, your chances of successfully fighting the charges are very slim. As opposed to other crimes, probation violations are only committed by convicted criminals by definition, so the justice system is already biased against you. Don’t let that bias stand in the way of getting fair justice. Get the help of an experienced Miami probation violation defense attorney who will stand by you and fight for you. Our team at The Hoffman Firm will do just that.
Call 305-249-0090 if your case is out of Miami, 954-524-4474 if your case is out of Broward County, now to meet with us during a free consultation. Serving clients in Miami and Fort Lauderdale.
Conditions of Probation
The conditions of probation all depend on what is worked out with the court and judge. In general, probation means that a person is assigned a probation officer who they must meet with on regularly. This probation officer has the authority to check on them unannounced to ensure that they are not in violation of their probation.
Conditions of probation may include:
- Being prohibited from associating with any known criminals
- Attending court-ordered classes
- Attending regular meetings with a probation officer
- Registering your place of residence with the court
- Not being able to change residence without permission of the court
There are many other possible probation requirements, and any failure to carry them out exactly may find you in violation of the probation. This can result in having the probation revoked altogether or having additional penalties added.
Penalties for Violating Probation
If a person violates their probation, the court can:
- Reinstate your probation
- Modify your probation
- Revoke your probation
If the court revokes your probation, Florida law allows the court to then impose the maximum penalty for the charge you were placed on probation for.
Alternatively, upon violation of probation, a warrant may be issued for your arrest, or you may be required to appear in court.
Get the Legal Counsel You Need & Deserve
Probation violations are very serious and must be dealt with in a timely manner. If not, they can result in very negative long-term consequences. If you are on probation and have been accused of a violation, contact The Hoffman Firm. We would be happy to review your case and help you move forward.
Schedule your free consultation today by calling 305-249-0090 if you case is out of Miami, 954-524-4474 if you case is out of Broward County, or contacting us online.

Why Should You Hire The Hoffman Firm? Here Are a Few Reasons:
Client-Focused RepresentationOur Firm is dedicated to client satisfaction. We are available 24/7 to help those in need.
Decades of ExperienceAttorney Evan Hoffman has over two decades of experience fighting for the accused.
Premier Criminal Defense FirmExperienced Attorney Evan Hoffman has handled some of the most high profile and complex cases.
Proven Track RecordClient satisfaction is our top priority. At The Hoffman Firm we take great pride in our success and case victories.
Florida Former State ProsecutorAttorney Evan Hoffman has extensive knowledge of the strategies used by prosecutors throughout Florida.
Free Initial ConsultationWe offer free initial consultations to ensure that we have your best interests in mind.
We Will Fight to Protect Your FutureThe use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.
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