The Hoffman Firm The Hoffman Firm

Juvenile Criminal Defense: What Parents Need to Know

As a parent, discovering that your child has been accused of a crime can be an overwhelming and frightening experience. You may be unsure of how to proceed, what rights your child has, and how to best protect their future. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of the juvenile justice system and provide you with the information you need to navigate this challenging process.

Understanding the Differences Between Juvenile and Adult Criminal Systems

One of the first things to understand is that the juvenile justice system is separate from the adult criminal system. While the adult system focuses on punishment, the juvenile system is designed to rehabilitate and educate young offenders. Some key differences include:

  • Age: Juvenile courts typically handle cases involving individuals under the age of 18, although this can vary by state.
  • Confidentiality: Juvenile records are generally sealed and kept confidential, whereas adult criminal records are public.
  • Detention: Juveniles are often held in separate facilities from adult offenders.
  • Disposition: Juvenile cases are typically resolved through a disposition hearing, which focuses on creating a plan for rehabilitation, rather than a trial focused on guilt or innocence.

Know Your Child's Rights

It is crucial to understand the rights your child has within the juvenile justice system. Some of the most important rights include:

  • The right to remain silent: Your child does not have to speak to law enforcement or answer any questions without an attorney present.
  • The right to an attorney: Your child has the right to be represented by an attorney, and if you cannot afford one, the court will appoint a public defender.
  • The right to a speedy trial: Your child has the right to have their case heard in a timely manner.
  • The right to confront witnesses: Your child has the right to question any witnesses testifying against them.

Understanding these rights is crucial to ensuring your child is treated fairly throughout the legal process. It is highly recommended to consult with an experienced juvenile criminal defense attorney to help protect your child's rights and navigate the complexities of the juvenile justice system.

What to Expect During the Legal Process

The juvenile justice process typically begins with an arrest or citation. From there, the process may include the following steps:

  1. Intake: A probation officer will review the case and determine whether to proceed with formal charges or recommend alternative options, such as counseling or community service.
  2. Detention hearing: If your child is detained, a hearing will be held within 24 hours to determine whether they should remain in custody or be released to your care.
  3. Adjudication hearing: Similar to a trial, this hearing will determine whether your child is responsible for the alleged offense.
  4. Disposition hearing: If your child is found responsible, the court will determine an appropriate plan for rehabilitation, which may include probation, community service, or placement in a juvenile facility.

How The Hoffman Firm Can Help

At The Hoffman Firm, we understand the emotional toll that juvenile criminal charges can take on both the child and their family. Our experienced Miami juvenile criminal defense attorneys are dedicated to protecting your child's rights and working tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for their case.

With a thorough understanding of the juvenile justice system, we can help guide you through each step of the process and ensure that your child receives the support and resources they need for a successful future. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you during this challenging time.

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