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Assault & Aggravated Assault Attorney in Miami
Also Serving Clients in Fort Lauderdale
Under Florida law, you can be charged with assault if you make a threat towards someone else, even if you didn’t actually harm him or her. Often assaults are misdemeanors. However, when there are certain aggravating factors present, prosecutors may charge a perpetrator with aggravated assault, which can carry a harsh sentence upon conviction, even for first time offenders.
If you are charged with either of these offenses, our Miami assault defense lawyer at The Hoffman Firm has decades of experience helping clients facing various violent crimes obtain the most favorable outcome in their cases. As a former prosecutor who has handled over 100 jury trials, he has a through understanding of both sides of the courtroom to provide his clients with unique and effective legal solutions.
Call 305-249-0090 to schedule a free consultation and learn about all your legal options.
Florida Assault Laws
Under Florida Statute section 784.011, assault is defined as an intentional and illegal threat to perform violence against someone else with the apparent ability to do so, and also doing an act that generates a well-founded fear in someone else that this type of violence is imminent. You can be charged with assault after an altercation even if nobody was physically injured in the altercation.
Simple assault is usually charged as a second-degree misdemeanor that may be punished by a maximum sentence of 60 days in jail and up to $500 fine. When the victim is a member of a protected class under state law, simple assault can be punished with up to 1 year in jail and up to $1000.
To establish assault, a prosecutor must show beyond a reasonable doubt the following factors: (1) you intentionally and unlawfully threatened (2) with words or acts, (3) to do violence to the victim, (4) you seemed able to follow through with your threats, and (5) your acts or words created in the victim a well-founded fear she was about to become a victim of violence. A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer in Miami and Fort Lauderdale can challenge the prosecution’s attempts to prove these elements.
Aggravated Assault in Florida
Aggravated assault can be charged when certain factors are present. Under Florida Statute section 784.021, an offender can be charged with aggravated assault where there is an assault that is performed with a deadly weapon or the intent to perpetrate a felony. Deadly weapons are those that are used or threatened to be used such that great bodily harm or death is achieved. This type of aggravated assault is a third degree felony offense that may be punished by up to five years of imprisonment and up to $5000 in fines.
There are certain protected classes. When assault is perpetrated against a member of the protected class, it can be classified as a second degree felony aggravated assault. For example, if the victim is a law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, registered nurse, ambulance driver, paramedic, doctor, bus operator, elected official, train operator, probation officer, parole officer, or performs certain other types of jobs, aggravated assault may be charged. Conviction for aggravated assault on a police officer carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 3 years in prison. A mandatory minimum sentence of 3 years in prison is also imposed where the victim is 65 years or older. Second degree felonies can be punished with a maximum of 15 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.
Aggravated assault is taken very seriously by the court, and a dedicated Miami assault defense attorney can help you navigate the criminal justice system if you are facing charges of this nature. Even if you are a first-time offender, if you plead guilty to aggravated assault, you become ineligible to have your arrest or criminal record expunged or sealed. This means that you will have a permanent criminal record that members of the public can access. Often those with permanent criminal records find it challenging to find a job, secure housing, or obtain necessary loans.
Legal Defenses for Assault Cases
There are defenses that may be available to you if you are charged with assault or aggravated assault. Often these are cases that hinge on the testimony of the victim, and there may be holes in the victim’s account of what happened. Sometimes a threat is a conditional threat in which violence is threatened at a future date, and not imminently. This would not constitute assault. Similarly, if the threat is not one that justifies in the victim a fear that you would actually follow through, this would not constitute assault. If the victim is not actually afraid of being harmed, assault cannot be established.
Ready to Protect Your Rights & Freedom
The Hoffman Firm may be able to assist you if you have been charged with assault or aggravated assault in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, The Hoffman Firm can fight for you throughout the legal process. Do not hesitate to get an experienced lawyer on your side.
Contact us today for more information about our firm.

Why Should You Hire The Hoffman Firm? Here Are a Few Reasons:
Client-Focused RepresentationOur Firm is dedicated to client satisfaction. We are available 24/7 to help those in need.
Decades of ExperienceAttorney Evan Hoffman has over two decades of experience fighting for the accused.
Premier Criminal Defense FirmExperienced Attorney Evan Hoffman has handled some of the most high profile and complex cases.
Proven Track RecordClient satisfaction is our top priority. At The Hoffman Firm we take great pride in our success and case victories.
Florida Former State ProsecutorAttorney Evan Hoffman has extensive knowledge of the strategies used by prosecutors throughout Florida.
Free Initial ConsultationWe offer free initial consultations to ensure that we have your best interests in mind.
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